Workplace 1-hour seminars

Our workshops are about empowering your employees!  Giving them the tools to make simple lifestyle changes to their diet, stress and activity levels to lower their risk factors of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some lifestyle cancers.  

We have a raft of workshop topics and can work with you to package the right combination of sessions to meet your employee needs and business focus.  

Topics include:

We run our workshops on your premises and can accommodate up to 30 people per session.

Bringing a health and wellbeing programme into your business can deliver a range of benefits, to both employers and staff to include:

• better physical and mental health and wellbeing

• increased motivation and improved morale

• less sickness and quicker recovery

• reduced stress 

• greater work satisfaction and increased productivity

• reduced absenteeism and quick return to work after illness

• greater staff retention and engaged employees

• a more positive corporate image.

For more information or to book your employee seminars, please get in touch.